Apple's MobileMe Problems Mount

Apple's MobileMe Problems MountThe launch of Apple’s MobileME has proved to be quite rockier than it was ever thought. The problems associated with the service of MobileMe continue as customers complain that they have not been able to access email on the service after several days. Under such circumstances, Apple posted a tech note to its Web site apologizing to the users regarding the inconvenience caused to them.

Customers are being told that it’s the fault of a mail server that is causing all these troubles. Apple clarifies that only 1% of the users were experiencing outages.

The tech note by Apple said that on Friday, July 18, 2008, they experienced a serious issue with one of four MobileMe mail servers. The problem is causing problem to approximately 1 percent of MobileMe users and thus they were unable to send or receive email at They were not able to access email by using any email client software such as Mail on a Mac or Microsoft Outlook on a PC.

The note continued with an apology to all the users. To compensate, Apple has given an additional 30 day subscription to its MobileMe users.

“Although core services such as Mail, iDisk, Sync, Back to My PC, and Gallery went relatively smoothly, the new MobileMe web applications had lots of problems initially. Fortunately, we have worked through those problems and the web apps are now up and running,” stated the note.

But all of these efforts made by the company have not gone down well with the users. The agitated users posted a thread recently on Apple’s discussion forum, where they have put forward their frustration about the inefficient service being provided by the company.

One user named Tiny Buck wrote in the forums, "MobileMe stinks .... What is Apple going to do about it? Give us another 30 days subscription?"

Apple though did not respond to any of the comments posted by its users, still it is for sure that in case the company is unable to render service to its customers, it would see a lot of actions being taken against it.

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