Taylor Swift wants to sing duet with Jack White

Washington, July 27 : Taylor Swift has expressed her interest in collaborating with rocker Jack White on her next album.

The `Love Story' hitmaker has said that she dreams of teaming up with the rocker on her next album because she a big fan of his talents.

White fronts `The White Stripes' and `Raconteurs' and performs with `The Dead Weather'.

"I''d love to play with Jack White because he''s awesome. I love his style. I love his writing and I think he''s an amazing player too, so any kind of collaboration there would be really awesome," Contactmusic quoted her as telling MTV News.

Although Swift is thinking of her next album, she has claimed that fans may be in for a long wait.

"You know, what I love doing is taking a long time to put an album together, because you have these ideas that hit you in the middle of the night and you never know what you can write two weeks before you''re supposed to. So I like to take a lot of time and really develop an album and take a year and a half or two years to make an album so that it''s not thrown together," she added. (ANI)