Health News

Glasgow Children Have Shorter Life Compared To Indian Children

On Friday, World Health Organization (WHO) claimed that children of the deprived Glasgow Children Have Shorter Life Compared To Indian Childrensuburbs of Glasgow have less life expectancy than that of children in India, children in poor parts of Glasgow other than not having proper health facilities have high mortality rate due to social factors.

WHO came on this conclusion after three year analysis of social determinants, which put forward the fact that more than genetic factors, the social factors were responsible for huge variation in ill-health and life expectancy around the world.  

Research Finds Chewing Gum As A Good Stress Buster

Here’s good news for the chewing gum eaters. According to a recent research done in Research Finds Chewing Gum As A Good Stress Busteran Australian university, chewing gum can reduce the stress as well as anxiety.

The study conducted at Swinburne University in Melbourne by Professor Andrew Scholey said that chewing gum helps to reduce the anxiety and/or acute psychological stress.

Apart from this, the study also maintained that chew gum eaters are able to perform multi task activities as compared to the no chew gum eaters.

Birth of first Indian frozen egg cell baby marks the starting of new era

Doctors at GG Hospital, Chennai brought first Indian frozen egg cell baby into this world on Wednesday. The baby boy, weighing 2.5 kg was born after an elective caesarean in the 36th week of pregnancy. The mother was healthy and will be nursing the baby from Thursday. This incidence has given hope to many childless couples.

Frozen egg cell procedure is an artificial reproduction method. In this method the egg cells from a woman are frozen and later fertilized to yield a foetus. However in this case a frozen egg cell from a donor was fertilized with his father's sperm cell. It was then implanted in the mother.

Why baby’s first words are ‘dada’ or ‘mama’?

AIIMS: Children Were Given “Safe” Drugs

Country’s premier medical institute, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on Tuesday said that the drugs, which were used on the 49 children, were found to be “safe” and the children were also not selected from a particular socio-economic group.

Suffering from a controversy over the reports of deaths of 49 children during clinical trials of new medicines in the premier institute during the last two-and -a-half years, AIIMS said that all the studies had undergone scientific scrutiny and had all the required regulatory and ethical approvals.

According to report of the institute the infants died because they had "high-risk and serious disease conditions.

A traditional English breakfast 'can boost' bowel cancer risk

Having traditional English breakfast could be harmful to your health as it may expose you to a risk of bowel cancer. The food which contains fried eggs, sausages, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes has about 700 calories and people who have this diet are 63% more prone to get into the risk of bowel cancer.

People who eat more fry-ups with bacon and sausages have more risk of bowel cancer. Consumption of processed meat will get into higher risk of bowel cancer. About two third risk of bowel cancer is increased after eating 150g of such diet in a day and if you eat about 50g the risk is increased by a fifth.
