Antipsychotic Drugs Increase Stroke Risk

Psychosis treatment drugs can lead to increased risks of stroke. It is found by top Antipsychotic Drugs Increase Stroke RiskResearchers in the UK. The research team was headed by Ian J Douglas of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 

The team also discovered that people who suffered from dementia and use antipsychotics are at double risk as compared to those without dementia. The physicians have started research in 2002 on the increased risks of stroke for regular taker of atypical antipsychotic drugs. Antipsychotic drugs are used to control psychotic symptoms in patients.

The researchers of the General Practice Research Database (GPRD) analyzed the collected data to further explore the effects of antipsychotic. They examined data of about 6.790 patients who had a recorded incident of stroke between January 1988 and the end of 2002.

The result of their finding is that the people who take antipsychotic are most likely to develop strokes.
