Glasgow Children Have Shorter Life Compared To Indian Children

On Friday, World Health Organization (WHO) claimed that children of the deprived Glasgow Children Have Shorter Life Compared To Indian Childrensuburbs of Glasgow have less life expectancy than that of children in India, children in poor parts of Glasgow other than not having proper health facilities have high mortality rate due to social factors.

WHO came on this conclusion after three year analysis of social determinants, which put forward the fact that more than genetic factors, the social factors were responsible for huge variation in ill-health and life expectancy around the world.  

The authors of the study reported, “Government policies that contribute to the gap between rich and poor, and wider social injustice, are killing people on a grand scale.”

To cite an example, they drew an example between a boy living in Glasgow suburb of Calton and a boy living in wealthy Lenzie. They said that the Calton boy would live up to 54 years, 28 years less than boy living in Lenzie.

WHO reported that the same Calton boy will also have shorter life as compared to a boy in India, who has life expectancy of 62 years.

The panel of experts forming the WHO's Commission on ‘the Social Determinants of Health’, who drew this report, found that everywhere across the world, poor socio-economic conditions lead to poor health among the residents.  
