Study identifies suicide-risk behavior patterns
According to a major psychiatric study, there are many symptoms that can indicate that someone is going to try to commit suicide. The study hasn’t used the standard set of symptoms used earlier. It can prove very useful as a means of prevention.
The huge study collected information from the UK, US, France, Spain, Russia, Italy and Switzerland. It is going to be presented in a report to the conference of the European College of Neuropscyhopharmacology (ECNP), held in Amsterdam this week.
The study has found that a person is up to 50% more likely to attempt suicide in case he/she indulges in ‘risky behaviour’, including promiscuity or dangerous driving. As per the study ‘Psychomotor agitation’, including running around rooms or wringing hands, is also a sign because ‘impulsivity’ is defined as acting with ‘little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences’.
Dr Dina Popovic, from the University of Barcelona, and report author said that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has not been paying attention to these indicators. This might be because patients, visiting doctors due to depression may not have mentioned such behavious as symptoms.
Popovic added, “This is an important message for all clinicians. The strength of this study is that it's not a clinical trial with ideal patients – it's a big study from the real world”.
Study has suggested that depressed people, displaying risky behavior, agitation and impulsivity, have 50% more risk of attempting suicide.