Siemens reveals plans to set wind turbine plant in UK

Siemens reveals plans to set wind turbine plant in UKGerman manufacturer Siemens said today that the company is planning to build a wind turbine factory in UK. Siemens is currently looking for a number of sites on the East Coast and in the North East of Britain. Siemens if the latest foreign multinational company which showed interest in the UK offshore wind market. The total investment of Siemens is expected of £80 million. By this move, Siemens is trying to capitalize on Britain's expanding market for offshore windmills.

Siemens said today that the proposed wind turbine factory would help the company to produce the next generation turbines. The company said that it expects these turbines to service the potential 32GW of offshore wind awarded in Round 3 of The Crown Estate's offshore wind licensing. The company said that it is working closely with the Regional Development Agencies to find the right site.

However, Siemens said that the final decision would be based on the outcome of the government's port redevelopment completion announced in the Budget last week. The company also appreciated the UK Government for creating a stable framework to attract investment in offshore wind power.

"The competition for land development, announced in the Budget last week, gives us confidence that the appropriate UK port infrastructure can be made available to support our production plans," said Andreas J. Goss, chief executive of Siemens in UK.