Sibal gets Support from Montek on 2G Scam

Montek-Singh-AhluwaliaMontek Singh Ahluwalia, the deputy chairman of Planning Commission on Sunday has stated that CAG's (Comptroller and Auditor General's) have approximated a loss of Rs 1.76 lakh Crore due to the scam of 2G spectrum.

He has also supported Kapil Sibal's view towards this estimation. Prior to this month, Sibal had conveyed that the loss at the exchequer was zero. This comment has motivated the political controversy towards the promotion of CAG. During a TV interview Mr. Ahluwalia has commented that the loss made by consumer profit would have been near about ten times the revenue losses.

Signifying the equity deal by Unitech and Swan after the firms pursued 2G spectrum Mr. Ahluwalia has also shared that, these two companies issued new equity to organization.

This equity procures into them as well as the promoters also didn't receive the money. Ahluwalia has added that CAG had condemned the execution of the first-come first-serve policy.

He has also commented that this policy would help a lot to those companies which don't have the ability to make use of the license.