Russian opposition founds new Solidarity movement

Moscow - Russian opposition politicians and Kremlin critics Garry Kasparov and Boris Nemtsov founded a new political party named Solidarity in Moscow Saturday.

Representatives of various social groups would work together in the new democratic movement, Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) radio reported.

The traditionally splintered Russian opposition has been trying to unite against what it sees as an increasingly authoritarian Kremlin.

The party, which plans to present its manifesto in the spring, does not have any official status.

More than 300 opposition politicians from 45 regions took part in the meeting to form the party, Russian media reported.

Members of several organizations, citizen movements and parties, including members of the liberal Yabloko Party, were represented at the convention.

"For the first time in Russian history, a true democratic movement which unites thousands of people is being formed here," founding member Vladimir Milov told the gathering.

"Solidarity is still far from political success, but should not be underestimated," Milov said.

After a difficult year of preparation, the movement would expand Russia-wide, Milov said.

Saturday's convention aimed to set out the movement's "basic principles," former world chess champion Kasparov said.

There were previous reports of various attempts to disrupt the foundation of the party. (dpa)
