United States

Tether mishap 'slingshots' capsule into space

Washington, Sept.28 : A small space capsule has been lost in Earth orbit after a space tether experiment went awry on Tuesday.

Most Americans continue to remain pessimistic about the environment

Washington, Sept.28 : A national public opinion survey conducted by the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University and the Associated Press has concluded that a majority of Americans continue to remain pessimistic about the environment and desire prompt action taken to improve its health.

Alcohol in any form increases breast cancer risk

Washington, Sept 28 : A new study has found that there is no difference in the risk of developing breast cancer between wine, beer or spirits, since it is the consumption of alcohol itself and the quantity that triggers the cancer.

The study found that the increased breast cancer risk from drinking three or more alcoholic drinks a day is similar to the increased breast cancer risk from smoking a packet of cigarettes or more a day.

Experimental drug prolongs survival in recurrent ovarian cancer patients

Washington, Sept 28 : An experimental drug called pertuzumab may help prolong the survival time for women with recurrent ovarian cancer, a University of Alabama at Birmingham doctor has said.

Dr. Sharmila Makhija, an associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at the university, said that Phase II clinical trial data showed that pertuzumab added weeks to the lives of Stage III ovarian cancer patients, whose disease had returned after treatment with the existing chemotherapy regimens.

High blood pressure patients require more coordinated brain blood flow for memory tasks

Fried food compounds may raise heart disease risk

Washington, September 28 : Gorging on those French fries and hamburgers may not be a good idea anymore, with a new study showing that fatty foods cooked at high temperatures may cause a significant dysfunction in blood vessel dilation that can lead to heart disease.
