Tel Aviv

Important dates in the Arab-Israeli conflict

Tel Aviv  - Below is a chronology of important dates in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The 1947 - 1949 Arab-Israeli War

Tel Aviv  - The conflict known as the first Arab-Israeli War broke out on May 15, 1948, when five Arab armies invaded the one-day- old Jewish state.

Israeli Defence Minister: Iran within two years of a nuclear bomb

Tel Aviv  -  Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said Friday he believed Iran could be within two years of developing a nuclear bomb.

Sirens wail across Israel as country remembers Holocaust

IsraelTel Aviv - Sirens wailed across Israel for two minutes Thursday morning as Israelis stood in sol

Hamas offers Israel six-month ceasefire in Gaza Strip

Tel Aviv/Cairo - The Palestinian militant grpi[ Hamas has offered Israel a six-month ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, media reports in Israel said late Thursday.

Israel accuses Hamas of fabricating fuel crisis in Gaza Strip

Tel Aviv  - Israel Thursday accused the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip of causing a "fabricated crisis" by refusing to collect and distribute one million litres of fuel delivered to the sal
