
Siberian cows get "furry bras" in freezing temperatures

Siberian cows get "furry bras" in freezing temperatures Moscow  - Farmers in Russia's Far East have outfitted their heifers with special furry bras to protect their udders as temperatures hit 50 degrees below zero.

Local residents in the Russian region of Yakutia say if they don't sew such mono-bras for the cows, their milking nipples may suffer frostbite in the drastic temperatures.

Siemens sees "possible partner" in Russian nuclear firm

Siemens LogoMoscow - The chief executive of German engineering giant Siemens said Tuesday the company was considering a cooperation with Russia's Atomenergoprom in the civilian nuclear industry after a break-up of its partnership with France's Areva.

Siemens head Peter Loescher told journalists in Moscow the Russian state company was a "possible partner" ahead of regular talks with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on the company's investments in Russia.

New Russian Patriarch Kirill is installed

Moscow - Patriarch Kirill I was formally installed as new head of the Russian Orthodox Church Sunday at an elaborate ceremony in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour attended by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev.

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad succeeded Patriarch Alexiy II, who died in December, to become the 16th leader of the church following his election by the Church Council last week.

Kirill, 62, is regarded as a relatively liberal leader who is well-known through television appearances, and observers say he will be looked to by millions to help the Orthodox Church play a greater role in Russian life increasingly beset by economic hardship.

At least 25 killed in fire at Russian retirement home

At least 25 killed in fire at Russian retirement home

Putin reassures IOC over Russia's financing of 2014 Olympics

Putin reassures IOC over Russia's financing of 2014 Olympics Moscow  - Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, has assured the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that his government remains fully committed to financing the
2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi despite the global economic crisis.

Putin said Saturday at a meeting with the Games' IOC coordinator Jean-Claude Killy in Sochi that the financing of the Games was secured in the State budget.

Russia, Cuba sign agreements amid thaw in relations

Russia MapMoscow - In the first visit of a Cuban leader to Moscow since the fall of the former Soviet Union, President Raul Castro and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed several agreements Friday to boost their countries' relations.

The focus was on strategic cooperation in economic areas, the Russian presidential office said, according to a report by the Interfax agency.

Raul, the brother of Cuban communist revolutionary leader, is staying in Moscow through February 4 and is expected to meet Premier Vladimir Putin on Monday.
