
Half of Cambridge students admit to plagiarism

Cambridge UniversityLondon, Oct 31: Nearly half of students at Cambridge University cheat, reveals a new survey.

The survey has shown that 49 per cent of undergraduates claimed other people''s work as their own while studying at the world famous institution.

The anonymous online poll of more than 1,000 students found those studying law were the worst offenders with 62 per cent of them breaking the university plagiarism rules, according to student newspaper Varsity.

The university is now planning to introduce special plagiarism detection software to tackle the problem.

Technological innovation may have spurred first human migration

London, Oct 31: A study that has accurately dated sophisticated stone tools made by our ancestors has suggested that technological innovation is more likely to have spurred the first modern humans to migrate out of Africa than climate change.

Scientists have long argued about the forces that drove the transition to modern human behaviour after our species evolved in Africa up to 280,000 years ago.

Most scholars agree that Homo sapiens passed a threshold between 60,000 and 80,000 years ago, with evidence for more complex technology, ornaments and symbolic art turning up in the archaeological record.

Human genetics research also suggests that the population expanded markedly during this time.

Original Bond spied for Sir Francis Drake during Elizabethan era

London, October 31: A real-life Elizabethan secret agent, who spied for Sir Francis Drake, might have been the inspiration behind British author Ian Fleming’s creation of the fictional character of James Bond.

A journal recording the exploits of John Bond, transcribed by his descendants recently, suggests that Fleming’s Bond shares his name and his family motto—‘The world is not enough’—with their ancestor.

The family believe that Fleming might have borrowed key elements of their story for his fictional character.

According to reports, the Bond family resided in Dorset, a few miles from Durnford House, the prep school where Fleming spent an unhappy few years of his childhood.

Dungeon dad says his mother called him ‘Satan'

Josef FritzlLondon, Oct 31: Austrian incest fiend Josef Fritzl has left doctors shocked after telling them: "Mummy called me Satan."

Fritzl has given out details how his mother would regularly give him the name of the devil.

In a psychologist''s report, Fritzl said: "She didn''t just used to beat me, she swore at me all the time and called me Satan and criminal. She told me that she only got pregnant to prove to my dad that she wasn''t infertile and that she had never wanted me.

"She said I was good for nothing,” the Sun quoted him, as telling in the report.

Penelope Cruz planning to adopt baby from India

Penelope CruzLondon, Oct 31: Penelope Cruz is considering adopting a baby from India, says the Spanish actress’ brother.

Eduardo Cruz has revealed that the 34-year-old stunner is currently not planning to have her own baby but is interested in adopting a baby from the developing world "when the time is right".

The beauty started dating her boyfriend, the Oscar-winning actor Javier Bardem, on the set of Woody Allen''s latest blockbuster "Vicky Christina Barcelona".

Lewis Hamilton racially abused by Spanish F1 fans again

Lewis HamiltonLondon, October 31: Ace car racer Lewis Hamilton has once again been racially abused by Spanish Formula One fans, ahead of the Brazilian Grand Prix.

Over 16,000 racist messages have been posted on a Spanish website, which use terms like “nigger” and “half-breed” to denote the British racing driver.

The website allegedly encourages visitors to leave imaginary nails for Hamilton on a computer mock-up of the Interlagos racetrack.

Spanish fans of Hamilton''s rival, Fernando Alonso, are believed to be behind the outrage.
