Dungeon dad says his mother called him ‘Satan'

Josef FritzlLondon, Oct 31: Austrian incest fiend Josef Fritzl has left doctors shocked after telling them: "Mummy called me Satan."

Fritzl has given out details how his mother would regularly give him the name of the devil.

In a psychologist''s report, Fritzl said: "She didn''t just used to beat me, she swore at me all the time and called me Satan and criminal. She told me that she only got pregnant to prove to my dad that she wasn''t infertile and that she had never wanted me.

"She said I was good for nothing,” the Sun quoted him, as telling in the report.

It was recently revealed that Fritzl confessed that he kept his own mother bricked up in a sealed room until she died to extract revenge for the years of abuse he claims he received at her hands.

He made the astonishing revelations in one of a series of meetings he had with a woman psychologist preparing an expert report in advance of his trial set to take place in February.

During the meetings, Fritzl also confessed that he went to Africa for sex sessions with local girls in Ghana.

He said: "I had various short flings with women in Ghana, nothing serious. I paid either money or gave presents, but I was really cautious because I was worried about sexually transmitted diseases. I always chose nice girls - no prostitutes - for that reason."

He also rejected claims that he had physically abused any members of his family either with beatings or other acts of violence.

He said: "They are all saying that now because they have been manipulated. The fact is I was a very loving father and husband."

Fritzl locked up daughter Elisabeth for 24 years near Amstetten, Austria. He raped her and forced to have his seven children.

Fritzl''s trial is due to begin in February. He has confessed to the crime, but the charges have yet to be finalised. (ANI)
