
Pak accuses India of violating Indus Water Treaty

Lahore, Sept 12 : Indus Water Commissioner (Pakistan) Jamaat Ali Shah has said that India was violating the Indus Water Treaty by reducing water levels at Head Marala in the Chenab River.

How Zardari “joked” Nawaz out of making arch nemesis Aitzaz Punjab Guv!

Lahore, Sept 12 : How Zardari “joked” Nawaz out of making arch nemesis Aitzaz Punjab Guv!Newly sworn in Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari declined PML-N leader and former premier Nawaz Sharif’s call of installing Supreme Court Bar Association President Aitzaz Ahsan as the next Punjab Governor, saying in a lighter vein that by doing so the Governor House would become “a centre of anti-PPP rallies”.

Pak govt mull selling away assets to overcome huge budget deficit: NYT

Pakistan FlagLahore, Sept 10 : To overcome the country’s worst ever budget deficit, the Pakistan Government is reportedly mulling over selling some of its valuable energy assets to private players, first in the list of such assets being a major gas field.

The Qadirpur gas field having a natural gas reserve of 2.9 trillion cubic feet in the Indus river flood plain, and said to be the second largest in the country, is valued at about three billion dollars.

Pak HR body calls for govt intervention in stopping US’ air raids

Lahore, Sept 10 : Taking a strong note of the recent increase in air strikes by unmanned US planes, the Human Right Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has reportedly urged the Pakistan Government’s intervention to stop such air raids.

A statement issued by the Commission said that the attacks in the Tribal Areas, killing of civilians and the violation of Pakistan’s territorial sovereignty by the US-led coalition forces had assumed “the form of a regular series”, reported the Daily Times.

Military rule has caused Pak’s poverty, illiteracy: Sharif

Lahore, Sept 9 : Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz chief Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday stated that military governments in Pakistan were responsible for its current economic crisis, resulting in poverty and i

Pak journalists propose code of ethics for media

Lahore, Sep 9 : The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has invited comments and suggestions on a draft code of ethics adopted at a recent international media summit attended by journalists, editors, publishers and members of the civil society.

The summit was organised by the PFUJ and the International Federation of Journalists in Lahore on August 2.

The following Code of Principles for the Conduct of Journalism in Pakistan is based upon the belief that fair, balanced and independent journalism is essential for good governance, effective public administration and the capacity of people in Pakistan to achieve genuine democracy and peace.
