
Affordable laptops suitable for everyday tasks

LaptopHamburg  -  Finding a laptop for as little as 600 euros (944 dollars) for everyday use is not as dif

Germany's CDU, Greens sign first-ever coalition deal in Hamburg

Germany's Christian Democrats (CDU) & Social Democrats (SPD)

Fend off pushy offers of drink with nice response

Hamburg - "Thank you, but I'd rather have a glass of water" is a good way to refuse alcoholic drinks offered by people who seem to want to force others to drink.

Greens agree to Germany's first state coalition with CDU

Hamburg  - The German Greens agreed Wednesday to their first state coalition ever with Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), according to a Greens official, Antje Moeller.

Firefighting beetle robots may help humans fight forest fires

RobotHamburg, Germany  - Compact robots that scuttle across the landscape like enormous armour-plated beetle

Exasperated parents of crybabies should seek help

Hamburg/Leipzig (dpa) - Mia was born and started to cry. All babies do.
But Mia did not stop. At the age of three weeks, she cried for eight
