European Union

Czech Republic takes over EU chair amid crisis

Czech Republic takes over EU chair amid crisisPrague  - The Czech Republic assumed the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union on Thursday, nearly two decades after communism collapsed in the central European country of 10 million.

The second formerly communist nation after Slovenia to hold the presidency took over the EU's helm at a time when the continent faces an economic crisis, Israel is attacking the Gaza Strip and Russia and Ukraine are embroiled in a gas row.

Czech Republic takes over in EU chair amid crisis

Czech Republic takes over in EU chair amid crisisPrague - The Czech Republic assumed the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union on Thursday, nearly two decades after communism collapsed in the central European country of 10 million.

The second formerly communist nation after Slovenia took over at EU's helm at a time when Europe is facing an economic crisis, Israel is attacking the Gaza Strip and Russia and Ukraine are embroiled in a gas row.

After Putin, Tymoshenko calls EU's Barroso over gas row

After Putin, Tymoshenko calls EU's Barroso over gas row Brussels - Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on Wednesday called the head of the European Union's executive to set out her country's position in its gas row with Russia, less than two hours after her Russian counterpart did the same, EU officials said.

Tymoshenko called European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso to "inform him about the negotiations over the gas supply to Ukraine and the possible consequences for Europe," a statement released in Brussels said.

Brussels expresses "serious concern" at Azerbaijan broadcast ban

European Union FlagBrussels - The European Union's executive on Wednesday expressed "serious concern" at Azerbaijan's decision not to extend the broadcasting licences of foreign agencies such as the BBC.

"The decision by the Azerbaijani National TV and Radio Council not to renew the broadcasting licences of several foreign broadcasters, including the BBC, Radio Liberty and Voice of America is a matter of serious concern," EU Foreign-Affairs Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said in a statement.

EU ministers call for Gaza truce

EU ministers call for Gaza truceParis  - European Union foreign ministers on Tuesday called for a ceasefire between Israel and the Islamic group Hamas to allow humanitarian aid into the embattled Gaza Strip after an emergency meeting in Paris.

But Israel has already ruled out the idea of a 48-hour ceasefire, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said.

"There must be an unconditional halt to rocket attacks by Hamas on Israel and an end to Israeli military action. The cessation of fighting should allow lasting and normal opening of all border crossings," the ministers said in a joint statement.

EU ministers debate Gaza humanitarian ceasefire

EU ministers debate Gaza humanitarian ceasefire Paris  - European Union foreign ministers on Tuesday discussed calling for a temporary ceasefire between Israel and the Islamic group Hamas to allow humanitarian aid into the embattled Gaza Strip, diplomatic sources said.

The discussion focused on the details of how long a ceasefire should last and how the combatants could move beyond it to a longer-lasting truce, diplomats said.

But Israel has already ruled out the idea of a 48-hour ceasefire as proposed by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, a spokesman for caretaker prime minister Ehud Olmert said.
