
Colorectal Cancer Screening Is Under-Use In Canada - A Report

Colorectal Cancer Screening
According to a new report, colorectal cancer screening is under-use in Canada. The main reasons for under-use of colorectal cancer screening procedures include, talking about that part of body is not easy to do, and lack of organized provincial screening programs across the country.

Antidepressant Works Well In Treating Dementia

Antidepressant Drugs
According to Canadian researchers, in people with Alzeheimer’s disease, an antidepressant and a generally prescribed antipsychotic medication works well in treating their aggressive behavior, without any sever side-effects.

Screening Healthy People For Colorectal Cancer Helps Saving Their Lives – Canadian Study

Colorectal Cancer
Toronto – A new study has suggested that screening healthy people for colorectal cancer has been proven useful in saving lives, but the significant public health tool is under-use in Canada.

The problem is the lack of organized provincial screening programs across the country.

Chinese Products Have Threatening Levels Of Lead – Health Canada (LEAD)

Cell Phone CharmsHealth Canada has reported that products from China could be hazardous for young children who often put things in their mouth, so these should be kept out of reach of children.

After Toys, Cell-phone charms and Zipper pulls from China are on recalls list

Cell Phone Charms

Toronto Mother charged with murder in death of three year old Girl

The police on Sunday confirmed that the mother of a three-year-old girl found dead in an east-end Toronto home been charged in her death.

On Saturday, the child's body was found in the basement apartment of a semi-detached home in Scarborough, near Midland and Finch avenues.

Det.-Sgt. Chris Buck told on Sunday that according to an autopsy on Keayanna Chambers, the cause of death as pressure to the neck and chest. Buck just divulged that officers saw signs of trauma to the body.
