Oz politicians likened to ‘toy nodding dogs’
Melbourne, May 28 : South Australia's Nationals president Wilbur Klein has likened politicians to toy nodding dogs.
According to him, politicians do not seem to be the representatives of their electorates, for they just toe the party line.
Klein said that the party system is an important part of the nation's democratic system.
However, he said, too much toeing the party line at the cost of their electorates is an unhealthy ‘curse’ that should be stopped.
According to him, electoral candidates should be allowed to voice their own opinions in public.
"Otherwise you could get a donkey in an electorate," News. com. au quoted Klein, as saying.
He added that when the Federal Treasurer and Opposition Leader presented their budget speeches, they were surrounded by nodding MPs.
"It made me think of the plastic nodding dog found on the back shelf of an old Valiant," Klein said.
"The disease is there and needs to be wiped out before it becomes a plague and finds its way into all parts of our communities and organisations,” he added. (ANI)