Prince William criticizes ‘aggressive’ paparazzi

London, Oct 6 : Prince William has complained about the British paparazzi after he and girlfriend Kate Middleton were “aggressively” pursued in their car by the snappers on Oct 5.

William’s official spokesman Paddy Harverson issued a statement, saying that the royal had been “left concerned” by the “threatening behaviour” of some photographers as the couple left a London nightclub.

The events seemed incomprehensible at a time when the inquest over the death of the Prince’s mother, Diana, had just started, Harverson added.

"Prince William was concerned by the threatening behaviour of the paparazzi in London. Having already been photographed leaving the club, he and Kate Middleton were then pursued in his car by photographers on motorcycles, in vehicles, and on foot,” the Telegraph quoted Harverson, as saying.

"The aggressive pursuit was potentially dangerous and worrying for them. It seems incomprehensible, particularly at this time, that this behaviour is still going on,” he added.

William was photographed leaving Boujis nightclub in London with Middleton, the first time they have been seen in public since getting back together.

The pair have faced intense media attention since they met while studying at St Andrews University in Scotland in 2001.

However, worldwide media interest in the couple peaked in January over speculation the they were about to get engaged. (ANI)
