Prince Harry takes first flying lesson

London, November 19: Prince Harry, who is training to be a pilot in the British Army, reached for the sky to take his first flying lesson.

Lieutenant Wales, who served 77 days during the war torn Afghanistan, began his learning process by spending an hour and 10 minutes in a two-seater Slingsby Firefly fixed-wing plane with a civilian instructor at an Army Air Corps base.

The soldier prince, who was pulled out from the Afghan War after the media revealed his presence, is said to be ambitious about making a comeback on the frontline by hoping to train for the Apache death machine.

However, senior officers have put out a word of caution to the royal that it is not so easy to pass the two-and-a-half year programme that trains to handle the Army’s meanest and toughest attack helicopter.

“These pilots have life and death in their hands all the time and the Army Air Corps will only take on people who are trained properly and up to the job,” The Daily Express quoted a royal aide as saying.

“They won’t want Prince Harry in their ranks if they think there is any risk that he might endanger life,” the royal aide added. (ANI)
