Person accused of setting false suicide pacts

Person accused of setting false suicide pactsA woman in US has been charged of setting false suicide pacts twice over the internet. This has been a first case of its type. The name of the woman is Celia Blay and she is 65-years old. She is from Wiltshire and she was working a nurse. She used to come for online chat and has been chatting with people from all over the world. But the astonishing fact was she used to find out the man with a different theme like suicide issues. She believed that man used to hide their identity in chat room in order to make friendship with younger ladies and then encourage them to commit suicide as well.

The man named William Melchert-Dinkel was charged with two numbers of aiding for suicides. The charges were for the death of Mark Drybrough aged 32 by suicide in Birmingham in 2005 and a student Nadia Kajouji aged 18 died in Ottawa in 2008. This is the first case of its kind in North America and now it has gone international. Mrs. Blay has received a message from the culprit and came to know about the fact. She had immediately informed the police and the person was taken under custody.