Pervez Musharraf

It’ll remain a dream for Musharraf to live in his Rs 14 cr Islamabad dream house

Islamabad, Aug 21 : Political pundits and diplomats in Pakistan have said that the dream house - Number 1A Park Road - that former President Pervez Musharraf built on the outer-skirts of Islamabad, which he even visited the night before he resigned, may hot be his address as his life would be endangered here.

According to them, the threat of prosecution and assassination made it extremely complicated for Musharraf to stay in Pakistan, let alone in his new house, said an article in timeonline. co. uk.

American Jews a worried lot after Musharraf’s ouster

American Jews a worried lot after Musharraf’s ousterWashington, Aug 21 : The ouster of former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf has put the American Jews in a dilemma to the effect that whether Pakistan will continue to keep the door open for them, as during Musharraf’s era.

“With Musharraf out, it’s not clear whether or not the open door Jewish organisational leaders have had in Islamabad is in danger of slamming shut,” says a report circulated by JTA, a Jewish news agency.

Musharraf was on Qaeda’s hit-list for diffusing tensions with India

Musharraf was on Qaeda’s hit-list for diffusing tensions with IndiaNew York, Aug 21 : During his seven-year rule as President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf defused tensions with India and also cut off terror infiltration routes across Kashmir, and “due to such co-operation, he was at the top of Al Qaeda’s target list and dodged three assassination attempts,” said an editorial in the Wall Street Journal

US urges new regime in Islamabad to focus on terror, rein-in “rogue elements” in ISI

Pervez MusharrafWashington, Aug 21 : The US administration believes that with former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf out of their way, the two most powerful Pakistani leaders in the present day political set up should turn its attention to terrorism, rein in the so-called rogue elements within the ISI, and drive out terrorists from FATA.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reportedly advised Pakistan’s democratic government to focus on fighting militants “hiding in the country’s tribal belt”.

Musharraf might live rest of his life in New Mexico?

Musharraf might live rest of his life in New Mexico?Washington, Aug 21 : If a Pakistan author of a new book on the Pakistan Army is to be believed, former president Pervez Musharraf might leave for New Mexico in the US to lead his post-retirement life.

Shuja Nawaz, the author, said that after talking to several key personalities he had gathered that Musharraf had plans to shift to New Mexico.

US can court Nawaz for half of what it spent in saving Musharraf: Time magazine

Washington, Aug 21 : The US administration can build a long lasting working US can court Nawaz for half of what it spent in saving Musharraf: Time magazinerelationship with former Pakistan premier and PML-N Nawaz Sharif, one of the two most powerful leaders in the present day political set up in Pakistan, by investing even half of what Washington had spent over the past one year on saving former president Pervez Musharraf, an article in the Time magazine has said.
