Pervez Musharraf

PML-Q says Musharraf is history now, wants to talk to PML-N in “national interests”

Islamabad HC disposes of plea seeking Musharraf’s name on exit control list

 Islamabad HC disposes of plea seeking Musharraf’s name on exit control listIslamabad, Aug 23 : The Islamabad High Court has disposed of a writ petition seeking placement the names of former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf and several other people on the Exit Control List (ECL) for their alleged involvement in the Lal Masjid operation.

High Court Chief Justice Sardar Muhammad Aslam pointed out that almost all the issues raised in the petition had already been decided by the Supreme Court through a suo motu notice, reported the Daily Times.

Musharraf’s ouster won’t change Pak’s foreign policy

pervez-musharrafIslamabad, Aug 22 : The Pakistan Foreign Office has said that the country’s present day establishment was committed to the war against terrorism and ensuring peace with India, and that its foreign policy won’t change with Pervez Musharraf’s ouster as the country’s president.

“Pakistan is fully committed in the war against terrorism…. and committed in the peace process to resolve all outstanding issues with India,” Foreign Office Spokesman Muhammad Sadiq said while responding to two different questions during a weekly briefing.

Pervez Musharraf has a “better image” than Marcos, Shah of Iran in US’ eyes

Pervez MusharrafWashington, Aug 22: Attaching importance to yesterday’s phone call by US President George Bush to his former Pakistani counterpart Pervez Musharraf, diplomatic and political observers in Washington have said that it demonstrated that Musharraf will be treated differently (by the US) than Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos or the Shah of Iran because he had a “better image” in the United States.

He is not seen here as corrupt as Marcos or as ruthless as the Shah, added the observers in Washington.

Nawaz has no objection if Musharraf decides to leave Pak

Nawaz has no objection if Musharraf decides to leave PakWashington, Aug 22: PML-N leader and former Pakistan premier Nawaz Sharif has said that he would not mind if former president Pervez Musharraf, who toppled his government in a military coup on Oct 12, 1999, left Pakistan to live in-exile in some other country.

“If he wants to go, I won’t stand in his way. He might want to take a break,” the Daily Times quoted Nawaz as saying in an interview with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

Pakistan's ruling coalition faces split over judges' restoration
