Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama ready to buck fashion trend, to promote minority designers

Michelle ObamaWashington, Jan. 19 : Fashion industry observers in the United States expecte to see the club of First Lady designers expanding and becoming more diverse during the tenure of the Obama administration.

A Washington Times report says that incoming US First Lady Michelle Obama is likely to give encouragment to a new generation of lesser-known women and minority designers in a profession often dominated by white men.

Michelle Obama says the paper has already has brought attention to such female newcomers as Maria Pinto, a fellow Chicagoan, and Thai native Thakoon.

Michelle Obama''s inaugural gown designer ‘to remain a mystery’

Michelle Obama''s inaugural gown designer ‘to remain a mystery’Washington, January 17 : The name of the designer who will dress Michelle Obama for hubby-President-elect Barack's Inauguration ceremony will not be revealed before D day, according to a fashion industry source.

The first African-American to be the First Lady of the United States had made much impact with the clothes she wore throughout the campaign and was subsequently dubbed as a fashion icon by experts.

The mum of two has been amongst the most sought after lady, the designers would run to dress.

Michelle Obama may don Kai Milla’s gown on inauguration gala

Michelle Obama may don Kai Milla’s gown on inauguration galaNew York, January 17 : Michelle Obama may walk hand in hand with hubby-US President-elect Barack in a gown designed by Kai Milla at the Inauguration ceremony on January 20.

The first African-American to be the First Lady of the United States had made much impact with the clothes she wore throughout the campaign and was subsequently dubbed as a fashion icon by experts.

The mum of two has been amongst the most sought after lady, the designers would run to dress.

Michelle Obama hailed as connoisseur of American designer clothes

Michelle ObamaNew York, Jan 8 : US President-elect Barack Obama has yet to step into office, but his wife Michelle Obama has already been seen as the promoter of high fashion in America by fashion experts.

The would-be First Lady made a big impact with the clothes she wore throughout the campaign, leaving behind a message that clothes not only make a person stand out but also show a his/her temperament.

‘Michelle Obama-look’ to be 2009’s hottest fashion trend!

Melbourne, January 4 : Classic fashion sense inspired by Michelle Obama would be much sought after this year, predict fashion experts.

According to Sydney stylist and director of The Beauty Tutor Sarah Donges, the sleeveless shift dresses and kitten heels preferred by the "sensible" wife of the current President-elect of the United States would be THE threads to buy this year.

"Recessionista chic will appear in the coming year, with women looking for classics instead of throw away fashion,'''' the Daily Telegraph quoted her as saying.

While very short dresses, low-neck singlets with wide arm holes and wide round necked men''s T-shirts would be in, emerald green would go on to become the new black of the season.

Michelle Obama describes hubby Barack as ''no-frills guy''

Michelle ObamaLondon, January 2 : U. S. President-elect Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, says that he has been a straightforward person throughout his life.

She has revealed that her husband was a "no-frills guy" when she first met him, and that his nature remains the same to date.

"He didn''t care about what other people thought and how he looked, and he was not into fashion but he was very much into issues. He cared more about the work that he was doing in the community than how he looked," the Telegraph quoted her as telling CNN in an interview.
