Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan converting to Judaism to show commitment to girlfriend

Lindsay Lohan converting to Judaism to show commitment to girlfriendLondon, Mar 2 : Putting all break-up rumours to rest, Lindsay Lohan has decided to convert to Judaism in a bid to prove her devotion to Jewish girlfriend Samantha Ronson.

The `Mean Girls' star and her DJ girlfriend have been more in news because of public bust-ups than their lovey-dovey tales.

But, on February 27, Lohan was spotted visiting a London synagogue with Ronson.

According to the Mirror, when an onlooker asked the Hollywood starlet if she was converting, she replied: "I'm trying."

Lindsay Lohan’s weight loss worries her family

Lindsay Lohan’s weight loss worries her familyNew Delhi, Mar 2 : Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan''s family is reportedly begging her to gain some weight.

According to sources, the ''Mean Girls'' star's mother Dina and 15-year-old sister Ali are asking the actress to come back home in Long Island, New York, so that they can look after her and make sure she is eating well, reports China Daily.

"That way Dina and Ali can look after her and stop her skipping meals. It would be the best thing for her," a source said.

"We know it''s stress behind the weight loss," the source added.

Lindsay, Samantha getting married?

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha RonsonLondon, Mar 1 : Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson have sparked marriage rumours after the two were spotted visiting a London synagogue, famous for its liberal views on marriage.

The couple is said to have got engaged last year (08), after Ronson reportedly told a crowd in a Los Angeles nightclub about their wedding plans, reports the Daily Express.

And now the pair has been photographed entering a Jewish place of worship in London together.

The `Mean Girls' star and Ronson were seen visiting the Westminster Synagogue, in the city''s exclusive Knightsbridge area.

Lindsay Lohan ‘keen to collaborate with pal Bryan Adams’

Lindsay Lohan ‘keen to collaborate with pal Bryan Adams’Washington, Feb 28 : Lindsay Lohan wants to collaborate with her pal Bryan Adams after spending time with the musician at his London home, according to reports.

The actress and her girlfriend, Samantha Ronson, are currently staying with Adams at his luxurious Chelsea property.

And Lohan is keeping her fingers crossed so that she gets a chance to team up with Adams, reports Contactmusic.

A source tells British newspaper The London Paper, "She's really keen on making another album.

Lohan and Ronson’s display of affection on trans-Atlantic flight

Lohan and Ronson’s display of affection on trans-Atlantic flightLondon, Feb 28 : Rumours about actress Lindsay Lohan and her girlfriend Samantha Ronson not getting along were put to rest on a trans-Atlantic flight, when the two made a public display of their affection.

The two were on a Virgin Atlantic flight from Los Angeles to London, and passengers on board witnessed their antics through most of the 10-hour flight, reports the Mirror.

Warren Beatty wants Lindsay Lohan for film role

Warren Beatty wants Lindsay Lohan for film role Washingto
