Angelina Jolie

Brangelina, Kate Winslet, Sean Penn may get iconic clothesline at award event

Brangelina, Kate Winslet, Sean Penn may get iconic clothesline at award eventMelbourne, Jan 8 : American actors Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Kate Winslet and Sean Penn could be the lucky receivers of an iconic Aussie clothesline.

The Quatro clothesline by iconic Australian company Hills Industries will be given to the winners and presenters at the 2009 Critics'' Choice Awards, being announced in Los Angeles on January 8.

Jolie wants two children in 2009!

Jolie wants two children in 2009!London, Jan 08 : Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie is reportedly planning on two babies this year.

Apparently, the `Gia' actress intends to give birth to a baby in autumn with lover Brad Pitt.

The 33-year-old stunner has told aides to organise filming to fit her plan, according to resources.

The pair is also reportedly planning to adopt again.

She and Brad, 45, may fly to Ethiopia this month to become parents of a two-year-old girl.

Kids asking plastic surgeons to give them Angelina Jolie’s lips

Kids asking plastic surgeons to give them Angelina Jolie’s lipsNew York, Jan 05 : Incredible celebrity body parts are what kids are asking plastic surgeons to give them, with Angelina Jolie's lips being the most wanted.

The most wanted requests are for Angelina Jolie lips, Jessica Simpson's cleavage, and Ashlee Simpsons's reconstructed nose.

More and More kids are willing to go under the knife to look like their favourite celebs.

Jolie: I have a tiger inside me

Hollywood actress Angelina JolieNew Delhi, Jan 03 : Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie says she would be "honoured" if anyone compared her to a tiger.

The `Changeling' actress revealed that every woman has a fierce quality of a tiger hidden inside her, and thus she would be obliged if she would ever be compared to the royal animal.

"So I wouldn''t mind if I was compared to a tiger, it would be well received and I''d feel honored. Besides, every woman has something of a tiger inside her and so do I," Angelina said.

Pitt says falling in love with Jolie was ‘totally natural’

Brad Pitt, Angelina JolieWashington, Dec 29 : Hollywood actor Brad Pitt says that falling in love with Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie was totally natural.

Pitt revealed that his hook-up with Angelina felt natural, when he was totally over always being hot and perfect.

"I had a whole other life and I got to experience a lot. And I probably got away with more than I should. And it kind of ran its course, you know, it kind of hit a dead end," E! Online quoted him as saying.

‘Brad Pitt not marrying Angelina Jolie yet’

‘Brad Pitt not marrying Angelina Jolie yet’New Delhi, Dec 22: Brad Pitt has reportedly rejected Angelina Jolie's marriage proposal.

Jolie, who raises six kids with Pitt, is reportedly keen to wed the actor, reports the China Daily.

However, Pitt feels it's too early to take the relationship to the next level and wants to consult couples counsellors before tying the knot.
