Obama and Cameron to discuss BP oil spill
The British Prime Minister, David Cameron will have a discussion over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster with the US President Barack Obama. He has said that it is a matter of concern and the UK oil giant BP is involved in this issue.
The oil firm BP is now under tremendous pressure from US government to fix the oil spill and has decided not to distribute dividends to its shareholders.
The director of BP will have a meeting on Monday to discuss on the possible suspension. The Prime Minister Mr. Cameron and the Chancellor George Osborne have discussed about this environmental disaster with the chairman of BP. The BP chairman Mr. Svanberg will visit the White House next week.
As per sources, the disaster is becoming politically charged gradually. The criticism of Barack Obama for the oil company and its chief executive Mr. Hayward has been consistently blunt. The energy secretary Mr. Chris Huhne has said that there will be some conclusion from the talk between the US President and the UK Prime Minister.