Russian Orthodox Church holds funeral for Patriarch Alexi II

Patriarch Alexi IIMoscow - The funeral of Patriarch Alexi II, the late head of the Russian Orthodox Church, took place Tuesday in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

Religious leaders, public representatives and foreign dignitaries paid their last respects before the patriarch's open casket at a moving Requiem Mass.

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, who was appointed temporary leader of the church after Alexi's death, led the liturgy.

Alexi II was due to be buried in the afternoon.

Some 80,000 people had bid farewell to their spiritual leader between Saturday and Tuesday morning as he lay in state.

State television broadcast reactions Tuesday from Russian Orthodox churches abroad. They praised Alexi's service to the unity of the Orthodox faith.

Many roads were closed for the ceremony and some 6,000 security force personnel on duty.

Alexi, who died at the age of 79, was due to be buried at Moscow's Cathedral of the Epiphany. (dpa)
