Discovery of Gravitational Waves proves Binary Black Holes Exist

Direct detection of Albert Einstein’s gravitation waves not only proves that the genius scientist was right a century ago, but also marks the dawn of a new subfield of astronomy. The discovery has provided evidence that black holes can collide with each other to form a singer, bigger hole.

When the Large Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced the direct detection of the ripples through space-time, entire astrophysicist community was stunned. They all believe that such a discovery could be extremely significant for everyone linked to science. Many said that gravitational waves could help solve long-standing black hole mystery.

Last week, entire science community showed excitement on gravitational waves’ detection, and the waves deserve the center stage, said Vicky Kalogera, a researcher of black hole at Northwestern University and a member of LIGO team that detected the waves. The two black holes that were detected by the team are not only exciting, but strange too, Kalogera continued.

It is believed that black holes are formed due to dead stars. When stars’ mass collapses down and they stop burning fuel, it create a space object where even light cannot enter, as per a theory on black holes. As per the notion, gravity at that object could be so intense that even physics’ all laws fail.

A number of times, astronomers have claimed to observe a black hole, but last week, the LIGO researcher provided first ever physical proofs which could prove the existence of black holes. Binary stars may be common in the universe, said Kalogera. “It should follow that those star pairs should one day die and form black-hole pairs. And yet, up until now, we had zero experimental evidence, even indirect, that binary black holes exist”, Kalogera explained. The new discovery proves that binary black holes do exist, as per the researcher.