High-tech spending rises $3 billion in two years in New Zealand

High-tech spending rises $3 billion in two years in New ZealandAccording to the latest figures released, the total spending on high-tech goods and services from information and technology increased $3 billion in just two years.

Statistics New Zealand has said that high-tech goods and services from the country are now worth $23 billion to the country's economy.  The statistical agency said that the increase could be because an increasing number of goods are now included in information and communication technology sector.

The category not only includes computers and smartphones but also household devices such as washing machines and driers, Blu-ray players and TVs, new machines that are equipped with smart technology.  Computers and phone worth $5.8 billion were sold in 2012 in the country, compared to $800 million recorded two years earlier.  Sales of the Internet connections in the country increased 44 per cent to $1.3 billion.

ICT manager Hamish Hill said, "The challenge is to keep pace with how quickly the definitions and perceptions of these technologies change.  Each time we've run this survey, we've had to include more businesses from increasingly diverse industries.  We're seeing new smart products and online services being offered all the time."