Draghi tries to convince Garman lawmakers about bong buying programme

Draghi tries to convince Garman lawmakers about bong buying programmeMario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank has held a meeting with German lawmakers in order to convince them about the benefits of the central bank's bond buying programme.

Draghi spent two hours Wednesday and assured members of the German parliament that the bond buying efforts are aligned to the reforms in the Eurozone. The ECB had indicated that it will directly get involved in the bonds market and purchase bonds of troubled member countries, most likely Spain and Italy.

The effort to address their concerns by Draghi was widely appreciated in Germany as they gave credit to the bank chief for considering their concerns that the bond buying programme could result in higher inflation and impact reform efforts in the region.

Norbert Lammert, president of German Parliament called, the Bundestag said the discussion resulted in a better understanding between the two sides. Several lawmakers welcomed the opportunity to pose direct questions to the president of the ECB while others continue to remain critical of his plans saying it is the first step towards common debt sharing in the region.

European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, who recently sparked a global stock rise, is working with several national governments in the region as well as outside to take steps to reduce the high cost of borrowings in Spain and Italy.