Sitting is the most time consuming activity of the day

SittingResearchers have revealed a new study which states that an average adult spend more than half of a day while sitting. They found that around 14 hours of one's day is consumed while sitting.

The study established that mostly all the adults spend 14 hours and 39 minutes of every day for sitting down between activities like commuting, working in an office and relaxing in front of the television.

A study conducted on workers in Britain shows that workers spend four hours and 17 minutes a day at their desks, and a further two hours and 27 minutes parked in front of their TVs. They will sit on their computer for further two hours and 25 minutes and spend an hour and 41 minutes while driving the car and more 52 minutes while using public transport.

They will sit down for 33 more minutes for consuming their meals and further spending 54 minutes in playing computer games and finally spending an hour and ten minute in reading books and magazines before going for a sleep.

The study has tracked 3000 adults and more than half claimed that the only exercise which they do is the short stroll between their house and car.

Zoe Hellman, dietician for Weight Watchers said that spending 14 hours of one day sitting down is like a health bomb waiting for explosion.

He added that in today's life it is very difficult to find time for exercise but one can introduce few methods for keeping themselves fit like people should be encouraged to use stairs instead of lift and parked their cars away from their shops and houses.