Former Homestore CEO to Plead Guilty in Fraud Case
Staurt Wolff, the ex-Chief Executive Officer of Homestore Inc., whose conviction at a court trial was turned-around on appeal nearly 2 years back, has reportedly agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to indulge in securities fraud, as has been confirmed by federal prosecutors.
46 year old Wolff was sentenced to 15 years of prison time in 2006, after he was slapped with charges of fraud and was found guilty of directing a whopping $67 Million accounting fraud which was aimed at increasing the online home-listings firm's stock value.
In 2008, the conviction was thrown out when a US appeals court stated that the trial judge, who was the owner of shares of Homestore's business partner America Online Inc's shares, was marred by a conflict of interest.
As per the prosecutors' claims, Homestore, which was responsible for running a real estate website, also known as Move. com, was using intermediary vendor to pay companies like AOL to purchase advertising on Homestore's site.
An attorney for Wolff, John Gibbons, declined to share a comment on the development. The case has been registered as U. S. v. Wolff, 2:05-cr-00398, U. S. District Court, Central District of California.