Protests end peacefully in Nicaragua

Managua  - Thousands of protestors in the Central American state of Nicaragua took to the streets of Managua on Saturday against President Daniel Ortega, charging that he is trying t o set up a dictatorship.

But the anticipated clashes between Ortega opponents and supporters did not materialize. Medical rescue officials reported that some of the protestors were slightly injured.

The counter-demonstration by Ortega supporters was delayed until the afternoon.

The opposition organized the protests to commemorate the November 8, 2008 local elections, which the opposition claims were won by a majority of Ortega-allied candidates by fraud.

In addition, demonstrators were also showing their opposition to Ortega's intention of running in 2011 for another term as president despite a constitutional bar.

The country's supreme court recently ruled that the Sandinista Ortega could run in another presidential election, despite term limits.  (dpa)