Rihanna finally issues statement on Brown’s alleged attack

Rihanna finally issues statement on Brown’s alleged attackNew York, Feb 21 : Singer Rihanna, who was allegedly attacked by her boyfriend Chris Brown, has finally issued a statement about the incident on the Internet.

In her statement posted at RadarOnline. com, Rihanna has refrained herself from making any contentions.

She instead has expressed gratitude towards her fans for their invariable support.

"At the request of the authorities, Rihanna is not commenting about the incident involving Chris Brown. She wants to assure her fans that she remains strong, is doing well, and deeply appreciates the outpouring of support she has received during this difficult time," RadarOnline. com quoted her as stating.

Rihanna was allegedly attacked by Brown, and left with horrific injuries, following a heated argument. (ANI)
