Here’s how Sarkozy’s female fitness trainer gave his sex appeal a boost

Here’s how Sarkozy’s female fitness trainer gave his sex appeal a boostLondon, Jan 20 : Besides Carla Bruni, the only woman who sets Nicolas Sarkozy''s pulse racing is his personal trainer. Meet Julie Imperiali, the fitness coach of the French President who has helped him lose weight and look sleeker.

The 26-year-old Imperiali comes to give Sarkozy his workout, applying her patent method to make him stretch, sweat and run.

It's with the help of the former dancer and gymnast that the President has earned the name "Speedy".

In ten months, Imperiali has helped Sarkozy, a teetotal chocolate addict, to drop nearly 4kg and two trouser sizes, she proudly reveals.

"His body has radically changed. He is a dream pupil. He is always ready and motivated," TimesOnline quoted her, as saying.

"Sexual relations are better if the male perineum is in good shape. The problems of premature ejaculation are often due to the perineum," she says.

In a bid to reach a perfect body, she changed his eating habits and broke his evening chocolate consumption.

"He was un sportif, but he didn''t have the right methods. He used just to run and run and run without being aware of his body.

"We worked with a cardiometer and reworked his way of running. Now he runs faster and more solidly. He is doing about 10kph in the garden. I see him between two and four times a week.

"We run for 15 to 45 minutes then do muscle reinforcement and stretching. He doesn''t talk much about work. He needs to blow off the stress. We talk about everything and nothing, sometimes about intimate matters," she revealed. (ANI)
