NEB approves Enbridge's reversal plan
The National Energy Board has given approval to Enbridge's plan to reverse the flow and increase the capacity of a pipeline that connects southern Ontario and Montreal.
The approval for the Calgary-based energy giant is subject to certain conditions and requirements by the board. Enbridge will now be required to submit a plan to manage cracking features in the pipeline, and manage water crossings in the area. The board said that the requirements on the company will ensure that the project will be safe and environmentally sensitive.
"The board's conditions require Enbridge to undertake activities regarding pipeline integrity, emergency response, and continued consultation," according to statement from the National Energy Board.
Enbridge will be permitted to flow oil back eastwards to service refineries in Ontario and Quebec. The decision to approve the controversial Line 9 comes about four months after the federal regulat conducted public hearings on Enbridge's proposal.
Line 9 originally transfers oil from Sarnia, Ont., to Montreal but the flow was reversed in the late 1990s. Enbridge now wants to flow oil back eastwards to service refineries in Ontario and Quebec through the pipeline.