Japan welcomes Apple iPhone with enthusiasm

The customers were so eager to buy the new iPhone launched by Apple Inc at Tokyo that they waited in lines around the city block overnight to get a hold of their own exclusive set. They even counted down the final 30 seconds happily before the launch.

The product was also launched in other 22 nations around the globe, including Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. At Tokyo, the celebration of the product’s launch was carried out at Softbank Corp.’s store, which is the Japan’s No. 3 Mobile carrier.

The iPhone, which was launched in Tokyo on Friday, is the second version of the mobile, which was launched in United States last year. The latest version has faster Internet navigation and dozens of new software programs.

One noticeable thing is that people were so eager to get hold of their iPhone that they started arriving outside the Softbank store early by Friday morning, and waited in lines for their turn. The queue when exceeded over 1000, the Sofbank quickly announced that they have sold out of the gadget.

The cost of this 8-gigabyte model is fixed at $215 in Japan, while the 16-gigabyte version would be available at $320.

People who got the hold of their Apple’s iPhone were more than excited to express their feelings for it.

A 28 year old filmmaker, Taichiro Nakamura was extremely jolly to hold this exclusive gadget, and the first thing he did was to call his girlfriend. He said that he was interested to get this iPhone from sometime now as it also includes iPod Touch and portable music player.

Tomohiko Katsu was so eager and sure to get his own iPhone that he began camping out Thursday afternoon only. The 38-year-old man is working as a Banker and said that he never lined up for any product throughout his life.

He said, "All the features come packed in a compact machine. It's really small for a mobile PC device."

Initially, there were some, who had criticized the iPhone by assuming that it might be a bit heavy and bulky compared to the cell phones. But it proved to be wrong.

Yuki Kurita, another buyer of the product expressed, "Just look at this obviously innovative design. I am so thrilled just thinking about how I get to touch this."

The 23 year old young man had waited throughout this time with his bag of clothing and a skateboard which he had used to sit on while waiting for his turn.

 Web Developer Lucinda McCullough while referring to Apple’s chief executive said that Steve jobs know what people want. 

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