Israel: Iran, Syria secretly continuing nuclear projects

Syria MapJerusalem, Feb. 21 : Iran and Syria are secretly working on nuclear technology in a manner which risks peace in the region and the world, while bluntly ignoring their international obligations," a Israeli Foreign Ministry statement has said.

US State Department officials have said they plan to meet with the Syrian ambassador to the US, Imad Moustapha, the allegations.

The Israeli and American statements were issued following a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that indicated Iran was continuing to enrich uranium.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the Israeli statement said that "The report on Iran indicates a continuation of the uranium enrichment project which goes against the [UN] Security Council''s resolutions, and proves Iran''s lack of cooperation with the IAEA''s effort to clear up heavy suspicions over the military goals of Iran''s plan."

Israel also expressed concern over the Syrian military facility bombed in September 2007 and was expecting the IAEA "to continue investigating, including visiting other sites to which Syria is currently blocking access."

The US-Syrian meeting, scheduled for next week, will be the first such session since last September and reflects Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton''s interest in talking directly with Syria and other countries at odds with the United States, spokesman Gordon Duguid said.(ANI)
