India takes tough stand on terrorism at RIC troika talks

Yekatarinburg, May 15 (ANI): Talking tough on the issue of terrorism, Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee today told his Russian and Chinese counterparts here that there can be no justification for any terrorist acts, and added that there should be zero tolerance towards this menace.

Mukherjee urged Russia and China to implement the comprehensive Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, which was adopted by the United Nations on December 9, 1999.

Mukherjee also raised objections over talks taking place between the Pakistan Government and the Taliiban.

Mukherjee said: "It confuses the cause of fighting terrorism both inside and outside Afghanistan."

At the meeting, Mukherjee also raised the issue of killing of indian workers in Afghanistan.

India has also raised concerns over narco-trade which is fuelling terrorsim in India.

The Russian and Chinese Foreign Ministers also condemned Tuesday's bombing in Jaipur, which claimed over 65 lives and injured over 200. (ANI)