'Hard landing' responsible for the death of two 2 U.S. pilots in Iraq
Military officials called a hard landing in northern Iraq to be responsible for death of two U. S. Army pilots.
According to CNN reports, the pilots were assigned to Task Force Marne. Their names were withheld pending notification of family members.
Military officials said in a statement," There were no enemy forces present and no hostile fire was reported."
The military said that the hard landing occurred inside Contingency Operating Base Speicher.
Police said that at least 10 Sunni worshippers were wounded Sunday in a suicide bomb attack outside a mosque near Tikrit. Iraqi investigators believe al-Qaida in Iraq was responsible for the bombing, CNN reported.
Officials told the Kuwait news agency KUNA Authorities were seeking gunmen who killed a police officer near his home in Mosul. According to police, no group had claimed responsibility for the slaying. (With Input from Agencies)