Study Will Help Reveal Genetic Differences Between Chimps, Humans

Study Will Help Reveal Genetic Differences Between Chimps, Humans The question of difference between chimpanzee and human genomes, which are near identical at the DNA level will be answered very soon. In what is seen as the basis which will help in further research, scientists have found areas linked to cell differentiation and immune response.

Govt. Panel To Reduce Penalty On Violation Of Building Plans

Demolition was off late seen as the only consequence of illegal construction, but the cabinet sub-committee on Sakrama, for the regularization of unauthorized constructions has opted for a more viable option. It has favored relaxing the upper limit of violation, currently 50% and reducing the penalty for irregularization substantially.

There may be more than one lakh buildings in Bangalore which have violated the building rules beyond 50 per cent and it will not be possible to demolish all of them. Furthermore, as most of these structures belong to poor and lower middle class people there was a feeling that penalty is very high, hence, a proposal for a substantial reduction in penalty for smaller sites.

I’m Shocked, I didn’t Expect This At All, Says Ajay Devgan

I’m Shocked, I didn’t Expect This At All, Says Ajay DevganAce Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan said that he is shocked by the brilliant success of his recently released movie ‘Golmaal Returns.’

The film, which was released during Diwali, had shocking 95-100% occupancy across theaters. This surprised the actor as he didn’t expect such a big opening.

3Q losses for GM, Ford worse than feared

3Q losses for GM, Ford worse than fearedThe reported third quarter operating losses – nearly $7.2 billion combined - for General Motors Corp and Ford Motor Co are worse than what were being feared. This, according to an events expert, raises the possibility that one or both will run out of cash within the next year, thereby giving the shuddering economy yet another blow.

While GM posted a $4.2-billion operating loss, Ford reported loss of $2.98 billion. The two companies said their rate of cash burn had accelerated, as an extended slump in car sales raised questions about the future of the US auto industry.

Microsoft not to renew acquisition bid for Yahoo

Microsoft Corp.With shares of Yahoo Inc. plunging on Friday, Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft Corp. said at a business lunch in Sydney that Microsoft is no longer interested in “revisiting a possible acquisition” of the struggling Yahoo. Still, he did suggest a partnership in the search engine market is possible.

Ballmer’s latest remarks follow Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang’s statement earlier this week that he remained “very open minded” about a full or partial merger with Microsoft.

Minnesota Senate ‘undervotes’ largely from Obama turf

Barack ObamaIn the still-to-be-decided race for a US Senate seat in Minnesota, an Associated Press analysis of votes indicates that most ballots lacking a Senate vote were cast in counties won by Democrat Barack Obama.

The 25,000-vote difference in presidential and Senate race tallies could be due to different reasons - either some of the voters might have intentionally bypassed the Senate race, or others might have mismarked their ballot, or optical scanning machines might have misread them.

As such, a recount of the votes will begin November 19, and will use manual inspection to detect such ballots.
