General News

Now, an Indian journalist throws a shoe at Chidambaram

Now, an Indian journalist throws a shoe at ChidambaramNew Delhi, April 7 : An agitated journalist of the Dainik Jagran threw a shoe at Union Home Minister, P. Chidambaram during a press conference at the Congress headquarters here on Tuesday.

Jarnail Singh, an accredited correspondent, asked Chidambaram to explain the clean chit given to Congress leader Jagdish Tytler in the 1984 Sikh riots by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

Chidambaram refused to answer and said that he did not want to make any political statement at a platform not meant for it.

The Nazi clock that might have ticked away Hitler’s last hours

The Nazi clock that might have ticked away Hitler’s last hours

40 percent of Italians at risk from quakes

40 percent of Italians at risk from quakesLondon, April 7: Scientists have said that Italy is prone to earthquakes because it sits at the junction of two tectonic plates, leaving 40 per cent of the population of the country at risk.

Seven years ago, 30 people died – including 27 schoolchildren and their teacher – during a quake centred on the southern town of San Giuliano di Puglia.

Central Umbria was shattered by a disturbance 12 years ago, which killed 13 people and destroyed hundreds of historic buildings.

IBBFF To Honor HIV+ Body Builder

Khundrakpam Pradip Kumar SinghFor many HIV positive people life comes to an end after cognizing about the deadly disease, but for the 38-year-old Khundrakpam Pradip Kumar Singh, a Manipuri body builder, his real life began in March 2000 when he came to know, he was HIV positive.

Defying physicians who warned him against the severities of muscle building, Pradip joined a gym.

After a long gap of nine years, Pradip today has several achievements to his credit, which also includes the ‘Mr. Manipur’ title in 2007.

‘Mahavir Jayanti’ being celebrated today

‘Mahavir Jayanti’ being celebrated todayNew Delhi, Apr. 7 : `Mahavir Jayanti', the birthday of Lord Mahavir, is being celebrated today with religious zeal and gaiety across the country.

President Pratibha Singh Patil, Vice President Hamid Ansari and Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh have greeted citizens of the country on the occasion.

In her message, President Patil said: "May the message of Lord Mahavir, of love, compassion and peace, guide our conduct and inspire us to follow the path of ''Ahimsa'' for good of all humanity."

Kids as young as 9 have mobile phones as parents seek safety

Kids as young as 9 have mobile phones as parents seek safetyMelbourne, Apr 6: While parents worry over the link between cell-phone and cancer, mobiles are making their way into the hands of kids as young as nine, according to a study.

The prevalence of mobiles among kids came to the fore at the time when the independence of Australia''s peak mobile phone research group was being questioned.

The group, known as the Australian Centre for RF Bioeffects Research, had earlier denied links between brain cancer and phone use.
