Entertainment News

Whitney Houston ‘finds new love’

Whitney HoustonNew Delhi, Apr 19 : Singer Whitney Houston reportedly has a new man in her life.

The 45-year-old pop star was spotted with a mystery man outside the Beverly Hills Hotel after allegedly spending the night there, reports the China Daily.

"There looked very, very happy together. After spending the evening at the hotel they got up and walked Whitney''s beloved Yorkshire Terrier dogs. They seemed like any other happy couple," a source told National Enquirer.

Agent Provocateur’s steamy lingerie forest ad

Agent Provocateur’s steamy lingerie forest adLondon, Apr 19 : Women dominate men with their sex appeal - this is the message that comes from the new Agent Provocateur ad.

A gang of girls dressed in lingerie and swimwear, and led by supermodel Karen Elson are shown using men as slaves in the steamy forest scene in the raunchy ad.

With the new ad, the Agent Provocateur bosses hopes to defy the credit crunch with a boost in sales.

Danielle Bux’s mum nicked for shoplifting

London, Apr 19 : Danielle Bux's mother has been arrested for shoplifting from a B&Q store.

Dopey Kim Lewis, mother of the Hell''s Kitchen star and fiancée of football legend Gary Lineker, along with her friend stuck her own homemade price labels on a trolley-full of items to pretend their prices had been slashed at the store.

However, cashiers immediately caught the theft.

"We still can't figure out how on Earth they thought they'd get away with it. As attempts to steal go, it was hopelessly amateurish and clumsy. There's DIY and there's DIY," the Mirror quoted a worker at the DIY store as saying.

However, things got worse for Lewis as she was caught possessing drugs by the police.

Madonna ‘dumps Jesus for Jewish millionaire Moses’

Madonna ‘dumps Jesus for Jewish millionaire Moses’London, Apr 19 : Amid recent rumors that Madonna had turned to toyboy Jesus Luz for comfort following her failed adoption bid, fresh reports have emerged claiming that the two are no longer an item.

And the person to be blamed for the split is a Jewish millionaire businessman Abraham Moses Schimmel.

Apparently, the 50-year-old singer enjoyed a string of secret dates in London last week with Moses.

Urban''s alcohol problems took our marriage for a toss: Kidman

Urban''s alcohol problems took our marriage for a toss: KidmanSydney, Apr 19 : Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman has admitted that her husband Keith Urban''s alcohol problems sent their fledgling union into a tailspin.

"We were thrown into his alcohol problems three months into the marriage and that was big," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted the 41-year-old actress, as telling the Daily Mail newspaper.

The Australian beauty confessed that Urban had admitted his problem and spent time in rehabilitation, a step that made their relationship stronger.

Slumdog star Rubina Ali''s dad puts her on sale for £200k

Slumdog star Rubina Ali''s dad puts her on sale for £200kLondon, Apr 19 : ''Slumdog Millionaire'' child actress Rubina Ali''s instant success has made her dad so greedy that he has decided to put her on sale.

In a bid to cash in on Rubina''s international stardom, father Rafiq Qureshi has put her up for adoption, demanding nearly 200,000 pounds.

He offered the deal to News of the World''s undercover fake sheik.

"Yes, we are considering Rubina''s future," Rafiq told the undercover.
