Entertainment News

Brad Pitt to head off to Cannes with “Inglourious Basterds”

Brad Pitt to head off to Cannes with “Inglourious Basterds”Washington, Apr 3 : American actor Brad Pitt will be heading off to Cannes with his much-anticipated movie `Inglourious Basterds'.

Pitt, 45, will be attending the festival with writer/director Quentin Tarantino, who has entered the movie into the prestigious Palm D''Or competition, reports Fox News.

Tarantino''s World War II action film has been described as "Pulp Fiction" meets "The Dirty Dozen", with Pitt leading a team of Jewish-American commandos into battle with the Nazis.

Lindsay Lohan's not on liquid diet, say her rep

Lindsay Lohan's not on liquid diet, says her repWashington, Apr 3: Lindsay Lohan’s representative has denied that the actress is on a liquid diet.

The rep was reacting to reports that Lohan’s willowy figure was a result of a liquid diet that consists of drinking at least three Red Bull energy drinks a day.

“Lindsay has always enjoyed a Red Bull, but she eats. Everybody needs to mind their own business and stop worrying about what Lindsay eats or doesn''t eat,” People magazine quoted Lohan’s representative as saying.

Madonna’s Malawi adoption bid ‘denied’

London, Apr 3: A Malawi judge has rejected Madonna''s request to adopt a second child from the African country.

"I must have to decline to grant the application to Madonna," The BBC quoted judge Esmie Chondo, as saying in a ruling following a closed-door hearing on Friday.

As for the reason, it is being believed that the application was rejected over residency rules, according to The Associated Press.

The 50-year-old Queen of Pop had reached the southern African state on Sunday and applied to adopt four-year-old Chifundo James, whose name translates into English as Mercy, the following day.

Jennifer Hudson still coping with family tragedy’s pain

Jennifer Hudson still coping with family tragedy’s painWashington, Apr 3 : It has been four months since her mother, brother and nephew were brutally murdered, but Jennifer Hudson is still trying to cope up with the tragedy.

"It was so, so horrible what happened, and she''s still hurting," People magazine quoted Hudson''s childhood friend and longtime assistant Walter Williams III as telling Entertainment Weekly.

"But she''s a strong girl and she knows her family is in a better place. I really think she''s going to be okay," Williams added.

Nicolas Cage thankful to his fans

Nicolas Cage thankful to his fansWashington, Apr 3 : While many Hollywood stars shy away from public, Nicolas Cage has invited fans to approach him when he''s out with his family - because he wants to teach his kids to appreciate the people who helped him become a successful actor.

Cage insists on behaving politely and graciously when he meets with fans because he credits them for his what he has achieved in life.

"I let my kids know that the people we meet, and who say, ''Hi'', they make it possible for us to live our lives and to eat," Contactmusic quoted him, as saying.

Zac Efron once hated Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo.DiCaprio_Zac.Efron.jpgWashington, Apr 3 : Zac Efron might today call Leonardo DiCaprio his mentor, but the Hollywood heartthrob was initially jealous of the star.

The High School Musical actor had met DiCaprio last November, and the pair struck up a close bond after attending a basketball game in Los Angeles together.

However, Efron admits that he was jealous of attention the `Titanic' star received from girls at his school.
