Food addiction could be real problem for some types of foods

It is now increasingly being believed that food addiction could be a real problem. Now, researchers think there are certain foods towards which one feels automatic inclination. For the first time, researchers have tried out food types that can prove most addictive.

In order to know the same, researchers have recruited a group of 120 undergraduate students at the University of Michigan and a group of almost 400 adults. From them, they were asked about 35 different types of food including vegetables and pizza.

Study researchers also asked questions like if participant feels having problem in controlling the portions they eat. Out of the asked items, 18 were processed food items, which included pizza, chocolate, chips, ice cream, cake and soda among other items.

There were unprocessed foods as well and fruits and vegetables were also included in the list. “This study provides insight that highly processed foods may be intentionally manufactured to be particularly rewarding through the addition of fat and refined carbohydrates, like white flour and sugar”, affirmed study’s lead author Erica Schulte from the University of Michigan.

The most problematic foods were found to be having a high content of glycemic, which means heavy on sugar. This could make a person addicted to that type of food. The researchers also noted one thing that those having high BMI and the ones at increased risk of having food addictions were the ones who were having maximum chances of facing inability to control themselves from having a particular food item.