Essex Police Probes into Smoking Baby Picture Posted on Facebook

facebookA picture posted on the popular social networking website Facebook, of a baby with a cigarette in its mouth, has been the subject of a major probe by the Essex police officials.

On Saturday, authorities received the report of the picture of a baby boy with an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth. The officials traced the baby's home to Westcliff, near Southend, but discovered that there were "no immediate concerns".

The matter was referred ahead to the Southend Borough Council, and the group has confirmed that it has already visited the family once and will be visiting again in the near future.

"Police officers visited the family home on Saturday and, although no evidence of criminal wrongdoing emerged, words of advice were given to the parent. Essex Police then referred the matter back to the council and we will be visiting the family concerned today (Tuesday)", said Head of specialist children's services, Sue Cook.