Cuban TV shows first pictures of Fidel Castro in five months

Havana - Cuban state television late Tuesday aired the first new images of Fidel Castro in five months.

The short video clip was shot during a 90-minute meeting Tuesday morning that the ailing Cuban former leader and his successor and brother, Raul Castro, held with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

The scene showed a gaunt-looking Fidel, 82, who seemed to be in good spirits and talked animatedly. It was the first time he has been shown in the Cuban media since January footage from a meeting with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Chavez, who has long been close to the Castro brothers and the Cuban regime, arrived late Monday in Havana declaring his intention to "see Fidel."

Fidel Castro last appeared in public on July 26, 2006. Five days later, he handed over the reins of government to Raul after suffering from an unspecified intestinal condition.

Raul remained Cuba's interim leader until February, when Fidel announced his decision to permanently relinquish power. Raul Castro, 77, became Cuban president on February 24. (dpa)

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