Brangelina love to fly planes

Angelina JolieMelbourne, Dec 15 : Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has revealed that she and her partner Brad Pitt love to fly planes.

When asked about what is that the Hollywood's hottest couple loved to do together, the 33-year-old actress revealed that both of them flew planes but haven't done for a long time due to their busy schedules.

"We both fly planes, but we haven't done that in a long time because we've been busy," the Daily Telegraph quoted Jolie as saying.

Jolie and Pitt are even thinking of motorcycle trips in future.

"We talk about the motorcycle trips we want to take in the future," she added.

The `Tomb Raider' star also revealed that they were keen to get back painting and were even learning French together.

"We both want to get back to painting. We take French class together. We used to have date nights - now we have date hours," she added. (ANI)
